Director of EHM- Daniel's Story

Daniel grew up in humble circumstances on a farm in Winchester, TN which taught him to reflect upon what is important and to work hard. He is the son of Mike and Carol Money and the brother of Michael, Joy, and Molly. The journey was not easy and he had many failures, but he was taken captive by Christ- and his life has never been the same. Daniel has a strong desire to see people grow in the grace and knowledge of His (The) LORD Jesus Christ. Putting before people what they need to be encouraged or challenged- stirs him up. Daniel likes to teach / preach the Word and to point others to JESUS and what it looks like to follow HIM.
Daniel clearly sees a display of grace in his family. God has blessed him beyond measure and words with his amazing wife and incredible daughters. There have been plenty of struggles in his marriage, but he has learned that “hard” in God’s design is very good. HIS grace is more than sufficient for family and it is more than worth fighting and believing for.
Daniel’s journey has included spending some time in seminary as well as being discipled by true lifelong learners and followers of Christ (disciple makers - Eric Williams, Daniel Baugh, Herb Hodges and Roy “Soup” Cambell). Sharing the process of disciple making as patterned in God’s Word is exciting to Daniel and has had opportunities to teach many people from personal disciples to pastors and leaders different parts of the world. Daniel enjoys meeting and learning from others of different cultures for he embraces the “all nations” from the great commission. Total world impact through making disciples is a pursuit of Daniel’s which is endorsed by God. Daniel looks forward to having more opportunities to share and/or model this lifestyle locally and around the globe as his journey continues.
Daniel has experience in a variety of ministries such as church staff, camp staff and leadership, inner-city ministry 13+ years, being staff and leader in non-profits (food pantry work, to tutoring, and to discipleship programs), prison ministry 5+ years (adult and youth), mission teams in a variety of capacities (local and international), guest speaking, revivals, retreats, seminars and now President of Eagle House Ministries.
Spending time with the humble and hungry in spirit gives Daniel great joy. Daniel is a man desperate for God and continues growing in the realization of his deep personal need for God’s grace. He realizes the strain and struggle of followers of Christ and wants to encourage and pray for people living this life in Christ. Being able to pull up next to the pastors and leaders in order to refresh and redirect is something he loves. Daniel wants those who fear the LORD to rejoice when they see him and to be one who lives to please the LORD. Daniel knows the importance of having a place and time to spend with The LORD is of utmost importance and wants to be able to provide an available place for those living the “normal” (to the word it is radical) life as a disciple.
Daniel really likes history and geography and would like to know more. He enjoys fishing and hiking and yet never seems to make time for it. Daniel also likes to run when he gets into it which has usually only been during the time leading up to the Run for Hope 5-10 k that Eagle House Ministries puts on. As it turns out Daniel has discovered that talking about himself in third person can be amusing.
Daniel clearly sees a display of grace in his family. God has blessed him beyond measure and words with his amazing wife and incredible daughters. There have been plenty of struggles in his marriage, but he has learned that “hard” in God’s design is very good. HIS grace is more than sufficient for family and it is more than worth fighting and believing for.
Daniel’s journey has included spending some time in seminary as well as being discipled by true lifelong learners and followers of Christ (disciple makers - Eric Williams, Daniel Baugh, Herb Hodges and Roy “Soup” Cambell). Sharing the process of disciple making as patterned in God’s Word is exciting to Daniel and has had opportunities to teach many people from personal disciples to pastors and leaders different parts of the world. Daniel enjoys meeting and learning from others of different cultures for he embraces the “all nations” from the great commission. Total world impact through making disciples is a pursuit of Daniel’s which is endorsed by God. Daniel looks forward to having more opportunities to share and/or model this lifestyle locally and around the globe as his journey continues.
Daniel has experience in a variety of ministries such as church staff, camp staff and leadership, inner-city ministry 13+ years, being staff and leader in non-profits (food pantry work, to tutoring, and to discipleship programs), prison ministry 5+ years (adult and youth), mission teams in a variety of capacities (local and international), guest speaking, revivals, retreats, seminars and now President of Eagle House Ministries.
Spending time with the humble and hungry in spirit gives Daniel great joy. Daniel is a man desperate for God and continues growing in the realization of his deep personal need for God’s grace. He realizes the strain and struggle of followers of Christ and wants to encourage and pray for people living this life in Christ. Being able to pull up next to the pastors and leaders in order to refresh and redirect is something he loves. Daniel wants those who fear the LORD to rejoice when they see him and to be one who lives to please the LORD. Daniel knows the importance of having a place and time to spend with The LORD is of utmost importance and wants to be able to provide an available place for those living the “normal” (to the word it is radical) life as a disciple.
Daniel really likes history and geography and would like to know more. He enjoys fishing and hiking and yet never seems to make time for it. Daniel also likes to run when he gets into it which has usually only been during the time leading up to the Run for Hope 5-10 k that Eagle House Ministries puts on. As it turns out Daniel has discovered that talking about himself in third person can be amusing.