Disciple-Making "by pen"...
A passion of Daniel Money is Bible Literacy and Disciple Making. After going through a ministry called Downline Ministries in Memphis, TN and serving with "Soup" Campbell and Herb Hodges, Daniel has obtained a lot of resources and passion to get the resources to people who are faithful and wanting to grow in the Lord. He has had many opportunities to meet several faithful men through Emmaus, Chrysalis, Harrisburg Correctional Youth Institute, and various other avenues in the past two years of living in Southern Illinois. God has begun a ministry through Eagle House that involves intentional letters, books, and encouragement to over 60 men on a monthly, weekly and sometimes daily basis. Please be in prayer for this new opportunity to spread the Word to people all over our area and the world. To get involved in this ministry call Daniel Money at 618-771-7427.